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NAD C 700:
BluOS Streaming-Verstärker mit HDMI eARC Anschluss Apple AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect und Tidal Connect
A just-add-speakers compact and modern solution designed for the streaming age.
New Classic Series features powerful HybridDigital UcD amplification, 80- watts per channel and integral BluOS app interface.
PICKERING, ONTARIO, CANADA, SEPTEMBER 30, 2021 — NAD Electronics, the highly regarded manufacturer of high-performance audio/video components, continues its expansion in the “just add speakers” category with the introduction of the C 700 BluOS Streaming Amplifier. The C 700 suggested retail price is US$1499 (£1299 / €1499 / CDN$1999 MSRP) and will ship globally in late October.
Housed in a compact and modern design, the C 700 was designed with a listener in mind who seeks an uncompromised listening experience with a focus on value. Inside the solid aluminium housing is a powerful HybridDigital UcD amplifier and BluOS Enabled network streamer. Using the intuitive BluOS app, the ability to cue music from a digital library, or stream from internet radio and online services like Spotify, Amazon Music HD, Tidal, and Qobuz could not be easier. The C 700 delivers an experience similar to the award-winning Masters Series M10 BluOS Music Streaming Amplifier.
Key Features of the NAD C 700 BluOS Streaming Amplifier
- HybridDigital UcD Amplifier
- Continuous Power: 80 Watts per channel into 8/4 ohms
- Instantaneous Power: 120 Watts per channel
- 5” high-definition colour information display shows album art, track progress, and system settings
- Solid aluminum body and glass front panel
- Works with intuitive BluOS Controller app for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows
- BluOS multi-room streaming to 63 zones
- High-resolution audio to 24-bit/192Hz
- MQA decoding and rendering
- Lossless and high-resolution streaming from Amazon Music HD, Deezer, Idagio, Qobuz, and Tidal
- Support for Apple AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect, and Tidal Connect
- Voice control via Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, and Google Assistant
- Optical and coaxial digital inputs
- HDMI eARC port
- Two-way aptX HD Bluetooth
- 12V Trigger output
All specs are measured according to IHF 202 CEA 490-AR-2008 standard. THD is measured using AP AUX 0025 passive filter and AES 17 active filter.
- Continuous output power into 8 ohms and 4 ohms
- >80 W (ref. 20 Hz-20 kHz at rated THD+N, both channels driven)
>100 W - THD+N (20 Hz – 20 kHz) at rated power
- <0.04 %
<0.04 % - Signal-to-Noise Ratio
- >84 dB (A-weighted, 500 mV input, ref. 1 W out in 8 ohms)
- Clipping power
- >86 W (at 1 kHz 8 ohms 0.1 % THD)
>102 W (at 1 kHz 4 ohms 0.1 % THD) - IHF dynamic power
- 8 ohms: 100 W
4 ohms: 125 W - Damping factor
- >90 (ref. 8 ohms, 20Hz to 20kHz)
- Frequency response
- ±0.18 dB (20 Hz – 20 kHz)
- Tone controls
- Treble: ±6.0 dB at 20 kHz
Bass: ±6.0dB at 60 Hz - Channel separation
- >93 dB (1 kHz)
>72 dB (10 kHz) - Input sensitivity (for 80 W in 8 ohms)
- Line In: 550 mV
Digital In: -12 %FS - Trigger Out
- 12 ± 1 V, 9 mA
- Standby power
- >0.5W
- Maximum output level
- 4.0 Vrms (ref 0.0032% THD+N 100 Hz)
- Signal-to-Noise ratio
- >106 dB (20 Hz-20 kHz, ref 1V out)
- >0.006 % (20 Hz-200 Hz, ref 1.964V)
- Output impedance
- 600 ohms
- Supported audio file format
- https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000191327-What-Formats-are-Supported-by-BluOS
- Sampling rate
- up to 32 bit/192 kHz PCM
- Bit depths
- Bit depths 16 – 24
- Network connectivity
- Gigabit Ethernet RJ45
- Wi-Fi 5
- 1 x Type-A port for connection to USB memory stick (FAT32 or NTFS formatted) and supported peripherals
- Bluetooth quality
- aptX HD
- Bluetooth connectivity
- Two-Way (Receive and Headphone modes)
- Supported operating system*
- Music playback from network shares on the following desktop operating systems: Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, Vista, 7, 8 to current Windows Operating Systems and macOS versions
- Mobile Application
- Free BluOS Controller App available for download from the respective App stores of Apple iOS devices (iPad, iPhone and iPod), Android devices, Kindle Fire and Windows or macOS desktops
- Front panel
- Combination of front panel control knob and buttons
- Supported Radio, Music Services, Integration and Digital Assistants
- https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000191327-What-Formats-are-Supported-by-BluOS
- Gross dimensions (W x H x D)**
- 218 x 96 x 266 mm
8 5/8 x 3 13/16 x 10 1/2 inches - Shipping weight
- 4.8 kg (10.6 lbs)
* – Compatibility to latest versions is subject to future software update.
** – Gross dimension includes feet, extended front and rear panel terminals
GPSR Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
Name: NAD Electronics
Adresse: 633 Granite Ct, Pickering, ON L1W 3K1, Kanada
E-Mail: https://support.nadelectronics.com
Webseite: https://nadelectronics.com
Europäischer Hersteller: Nein
Name: smartaudio
Adresse: Zimmermanngasse 12 A-1090 Wien
E-Mail: service@smartaudio.at
Webseite: smartaudio.at
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Widerrufsbelehrung erstellt mit dem Trusted Shops Rechtstexter